Monday | 10.03.25

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New Films

Manchester by the Sea

Dir.: Kenneth Lonergan
| 137 minutes

Lee Chandler returns to his hometown after he becomes the guardian of his teen nephew. Back home, old wounds surface leading to an emotional confrontation with the ghosts that have haunted him. A deeply emotional family drama.

La La Land

Dir.: Damien Chazelle
| 128 minutes

With mesmerizing performances and homages to the most loved musicals, Damien Chazelle gifts us with one of the best and most enchanting films of the year, a musical of pure delight that will make your heart soar. 


Dir.: Pablo Larrin
| 101 minutes

A week after her husband’s assassination, Jackie Kennedy sits down for an interview. The memories accumulate to a portrait of a woman grappling with a personal and national loss. 


Dir: James Mangold
| 137 minutes

A weary Logan (Wolverine) has to embark on one last mission, saving a young girl who holds a special connection to the mutant. The film is shaped as a Western and utilizes the wild vistas of southern USA and Jackman and Stewart's phenomenal performances .

A.K.A. Nadia

Dir.: Tova Ascher
| 115 minutes

Can someone reinvent themselves without dealing with the consequences? Over 20 years after leaving her Arab identity behind, Maya’s past awakens.

Bar Bahar – In Between

Dir.: Maysaloun Hamoud
| 102 minutes

Layla, Salma and Nour – Palestinian citizens of Israel – share a flat in hipster Tel Aviv; beyond the watchful gaze of tradition in the heart of a “modern” Jewish society. In this chilling duality, three stories come together to form a single shared fate.