The five films present in this program seemingly focus on the role of angels and the power of divine intervention to influence human life. But in fact, they serve as a reminder for us to choose life. It's not surprising that three of the films were made immediately after World War II. They remind us that life has value and that man on his own, without the help of God’s messenger, can reshape the course of his life in a way that leads to happiness and satisfaction. It seems to be an important reminder, after a year of an epidemic, that allows us to look at the time that has passed and especially allows us to adjust to the days to come.
Wings of Desire
Two angels are sent to earth to minister to the people of modern-day Berlin. One eventually falls in love and decides to relinquish his immortality in order to become human. Wings of Desire, which became an instant classic, is a hymn to life, love, and friendship.