Wednesday | 12.03.25

Monthly Screenings


Dir.: Thierry Frémaux | 90 minutes


France 2016 | 90 minutes | French | Hebrew subtitles

In 1895, brothers Louis and Auguste Lumière invented the cinematograph with which they shot and projected the first, and most constitutive, films in cinema history. They paved the way toward a new technological and cultural universe, travelled the world, and shot 1400 short films – including of early 20th century Jerusalem – thereby laying the foundations for the Seventh Art. In Lumière!, Thierry Frémaux – the legendary artistic director of the Cannes Film Festival -  compiles 98 digitally-restored Lumière films interjected with exquisite narration tracing the brothers’ work and interminable influence. The result is a rare and exhilarating journey to the most beautiful and decisive moments of the emerging era of cinema.