Monday | 31.03.25

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Claude Lelouch, la vie en mieux
Dir.: Elise Baudouin | 70 minutes

Claude Lelouch, la vie en mieux

France 2024 | 70 minutes | French | Hebrew subtitles

This documentary explores the work of Claude Lelouch and his uniquely quintessential filmmaking style. With privileged access to his archives, Claude Lelouch tells his personal and professional story; from his discovery of the 7th art as a child during the Nazi Occupation, through his memories, anecdotes, regrets, and most recent work. “Claude doesn’t do anything like the others…,” share the members of his crew. Looking back at 60 years of cinema, Claude Lelouch, la vie en mieux aims to engage audiences who love Lelouch just as much as those who do not yet know his work.

Supported by the French Institute in Israel