Friday | 28.03.25

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Sabbath Queen
Dir.: Sandi DuBowski | 105 minutes

Sabbath Queen

USA 2024 | 105 minutes | English, Hebrew, Yiddish | Hebrew, English subtitles

Filmed over 21 years, SABBATH QUEEN follows Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie’s epic journey as the dynastic heir of 38 generations of Orthodox rabbis including the Chief Rabbis of Israel. He is torn between rejecting and embracing his destiny and becomes a drag-queen rebel, a queer bio-dad, and the founder of Lab/Shul—an everybody-friendly, God-optional, artist-driven, pop-up experimental congregation. SABBATH QUEEN joins Amichai on a lifelong quest to creatively and radically reinvent religion and ritual, challenge patriarchy and supremacy, champion interfaith love, and stand up for peace. The film interrogates what Jewish survival means in a difficult rapidly changing 21st century.