Monday | 24.03.25

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Monthly Screenings
Created by: David Schalko | 90 minutes


Germany, Austria 2024 | 90 minutes | German | Hebrew, English subtitles

Franz Kafka is one of the most important writers of the 20th century. His writings are strange and dark, his personality complex, and his influence undiminished. Born in 1883, Prague, Kafka became a complicated individual, as his oppressive father made life unbearable. He discovered his passion for writing, yet he was never satisfied with his work. A unique glimpse into the mind of a genius who challenges those around him to see the world in ways they never have before.

Episode 1: Max - Kafka’s best friend, the author Max Brod, firmly believes in his genius and does everything to make him famous as a writer - even against Kafka’s will. However, without his best friend's breach of trust, the world might never have known Kafka’s work.

Episode 3: Family - The focus shifts to Kafka's relationship with Zionism and his friendship with Jizchak Löwy, an actor in a traditional Yiddish theater troupe. The confrontation between his father and his friend prompts Kafka to write "The Metamorphosis,” arguably the most influential literary work of the 20th century.

Supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum