Sunday | 23.03.25

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Speer Goes to Hollywood
Dir.: Vanessa Lapa | 97 minutes

Speer Goes to Hollywood

Israel, Austria, Germany 2021 | 97 minutes | English, German, French | Hebrew, English subtitles

Albert Speer is an enigma. Hitler's confidante, architect, and Minister of the Arms Industry in Nazi Germany. In 1971, a young screenwriter from Paramount Studios was sent to make a film based upon his memoirs, Inside the Third Reich. 40 years of conversations that were not meant for publication are now presented for the first time, revealing the work that went into the writing of the script. The film critically examines Speer’s chilling attempts to rewrite history and to whitewash his actions. Through rare archival materials, we analyze an individual who was responsible for the deaths of millions via forced labor, and who is still considered a "good Nazi." A cautionary tale about the ease with which one can manipulate the media and use cinema to shape collective memory.

2021 Ophir Awards, Best Documentary, 2021 Diamond Awards, Best Documentary Film Director – Jerusalem FF 2021