Tuesday | 01.10.24

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Volker Schlöndorff: A Tribute

Volker Schlöndorff is one of the most prominent figures of New German Cinema that rejected German culture of post-WWII that ignored the War and the responsibilities of the previous generation. He worked alongside Werner Herzog, Wim Wenders, Margarethe von Trotta, to name a few. Schlöndorff’s uniqueness comes from his determination to adapt “inadaptable” literary works and his stern and topical perspective on German society and his insistence of portraying it as grotesque. He offered sharpness and directness and the program this month offers the audience a rare opportunity to reacquaint with works that have significantly revolutionized cinema.

The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum

Dir.: Volker Schlöndorff, Margaretta von Trotta
| 105 minutes

A political thriller about journalistic character assassination, based on Heinrich Boll’s bestseller. The victim is a reserved young woman who’s had a brief amorous association with a wanted radical.

Young Torless

Dir.: Volker Schlondorff
| 87 minutes

At a boarding school in the pre-war Austro-Hungarian Empire, a pair of students torture one of their fellow classmates. Torless is a passive member of the group but observes rather than participates and frustrates the tormentors by dryly analyzing their behavior.


Dir.: Volker Schlöndorff
| 87 minutes

Baal is a young poet who is invited into the homes of the rich to shock their friends with his daring verse. He gradually gathers followers that long for his attention. Volker Schlöndorff adapted Bertolt Brecht’s first play and charges it with singular energies. 

A Degree of Murder

Dir.: Volker Schlöndorff
| 87 minutes

Marie is head over heels in love with Hans, but he has a different view of their relationship. When he returns home and begins to collect his things, Marie’s gun fulfills its purpose. Now she has to dispose of the body…. 

Circle of Deceit

Dir.: Volker Schlöndorff
| 108 minutes

A German journalist, who has trouble at home, travels to Beirut, during the height of the civil war, to produce an essay about the situation. There he meets a diplomat that offers him peacefulness in a region of war.

The Tin Drum

Dir.: Volker Schlondorff
| 142 minutes

In this daring adaptation of Gunter Grass' masterpiece, Schlondorff reconstructs the events in Germany during the rise of the Third Reich, in spectacular and breathtaking compositions. 

The Legend of Rita

Dir.: Volker Schlöndorff
| 103 minutes

In the 1970s, Rita belonged to a notorious terrorist cell. The years pass and life on the run becomes draining, so the group finds shelter in East Germany. But when an old flame returns to Rita’s life, she will have to face the past and make decisions about the future. 

Le Coup de Grace

Dir.: Volker Schlöndorff
| 95 minutes

Based on Marguerite Yourcenar’s novel, Le Coup de Grace is a wry look at the old European Aristocracy. Taking place just after WWI, the film unfolds the complex relationship between a tough officer and a young rebellious woman.