Tuesday | 04.03.25

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Monthly Screenings

Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024

The Home and the Next Generation

AMCHA's Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony. With the participation of Holocaust survivors and their families, October 7 survivors, evacuees from the north and the south. Singer Shuli Rand, hosted by Ofer Hadad. Free entry
Free entry

Willem and Frieda - Defying the Nazis

Dir.: John Hay
| 76 minutes

Netherlands, WWII. Willem Arondeus, a painter and Frieda Belinfante, a cellist, used their artistic skills to forge identity cards that saved thousands of Jews. Stephen Fry leads us to Amsterdam to discover why this incredible story has remained largely hidden until the present day.

Prior to the screening, conversation (in Heb.) with George Shefi, Kindertransport child. Free entry

One Life

Dir.: James Hawes
| 110 minutes

One Life tells the true story of Sir Nicholas ‘Nicky’ Winton, a young London broker who, along with the British Committee for Refugees in Czechoslovakia, rescued 669 children from the Nazis in the months leading to WWII. "With a quality cast, this is a finely crafted film that unfolds with great care, building towards a cathartic climax" (Total Film).

Occupied City

Dir.: Steve McQueen
| 262 minutes

The past collides with our precarious present in Steve McQueen’s epic documentary. McQueen creates two interlocking portraits: a door-to-door excavation of the Nazi occupation and a vivid journey through the last years. What emerges is both devastating and life-affirming.