Monday | 10.03.25

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Dir.: Bong Joon-Ho
| 132 minutes

Parasite, Korean director Bong Joon-ho’s (SnowpiercerOkja) film, which won the Palme d’Or for Best Film at Cannes, follows a poor family whose members infiltrate a wealthy family’s mansion until the plan goes awry.

Memories of Murder

Dir.: Bong Joon-ho
| 132 minutes

South Korea, 1986. The investigation of the rape and murder of a young woman becomes complicated when similar cases keep happening. This is a brilliant police thriller that combines a tight and original narrative, social criticism, wild humor, and insight into humanity.

The Host

Dir.: Bong Joon-ho
| 119 minutes

A US officer orders that bottles of formaldehyde be disposed of in the Han River, which runs through the center of Seoul. Five years later, something emerges from the water and wreaks havoc all over the city....