Monday | 03.02.25

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Mister GAGA
A Year in the Quiet Sun
Dir.: Krzysztof Zanussi | 106 minutes

Other Screenings

Poland, West Germany 1984 | 106 minutes | Polish, English | English, Hebrew subtitles

Poland, 1946 . An American soldier and a Polish widow fall in love, even though neither speaks the other’s language....


Krzysztof Kieslowski, Finibus Bonorum et Malorum, slider image 1, slider image 2, slider image 3, It is a long established fact that a reader, Harry Stradling, Sr., Krzysztof Piesiewicz, קז'ישטוף פיסיביץ', אריק דה-קויפר, ולדימיר קוסמה, Entre Chien Et Loup, Filmörderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, Le Centre du Cinema et l'Audiovisuel de la Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles, Belgian Federal Government Tax Shelter, Casa Kafka Pictures-Belfius, Itai Shcherback, Guy Raz, Danny Leshman, Frank Ilfman, Guigon Juliette, Stephen and Timothy Quay, Kevin Janssens, ח229 הצב האדום, Israeli Short Film Competition - Program 3, opening event, The Death of Louis XIV (1386), Gangapada Basu, The Circle of Life in Buddhism , רוקו ואחיו , Adon Léon (1933-2006) - Web Site Sponsor, George Ostrovsky, Accreditation, Node Teaser For MovieGroup, מיסטר גאגא, Ana DuVernay, Example page, עמוד בית בעברית, שלושה אחים ומערה, Amarcord, Create Event Create Event, Aňa Aňa, Heaven Can Wait, Calendar page, Waiting for Woneder Woman, Event for Homepage, Films Under the Radar, Death in Sarajevo, The Best Cinema in the World, Avanti Popolo Restoration Premiers in Berlin, Restored classic 'Avanti Popolo' gets new lease of life, Aida’s Secrets, Aida’s Secrets, Aida’s Secrets, Aida’s Secrets, Aida’s Secrets, Aida’s Secrets, Aida’s Secrets, Aida’s Secrets, Aida’s Secrets, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Cinema Italia, JeruFest, Czech That, Anthropological Film Festival, Oh La La!, Jewish Film Festival, May 2017, Anthropological Film Festival - November 2019, TICKETS ON SALE NOW, Ben-Gurion, Epilogue to be screened without English subt., 2016 1 eng, 2016 2 eng, 2016 3 eng, 2016 4 eng, 2016 5 eng, 2016 6 eng, 2016 7 eng, 2016 8 eng, jff 9 eng, JFF 2017 poster clean, Festival Preview Screening of City of Ghosts, The Cinematheque is on hiatus while the Film Festival takes place. Regular programming to resume 26.07, Israeli Film Print Source 2017, JFF on the go english, jff on the go wide, The Cinematheque is on Hiatus while the JFF takes place. We'll be back on 26.07, events 13.7.17, events 14.7.17 grid, events 14.7.17 one item, events 15.7.17, events 16.7.17, events 17/7/17, events 18/7/17, events 19/7/17 grid, events 19/7/17 one item, EVENTS 20/7/17, Shadows, Jerusalem Cinematheque to restore 30,000 Israeli films, Helen Mirren Visits the Cinematheque, Michael Douglas at the Jerusalem Cinematheque, Screenings of films now have Arabic subtitles, ticket packages, Israeli Film Print Source - JFF 2018, Fozi Mozi & Tuti, jff on the go 2018 english content, jff on the go 2018 english home page, Screen at the JFF, Times of Israel Recommends, Haaretz Recommends, Alexander Morton, Submission for the 2019 JFF, Submission for the 2019 JFF, For Israeli feature, documentary, short and experimental films. Submissions will be closed on April 30th, For non-Israeli feature and documentary films (over 60 min). Submissions will be closed on April 18th, For Israeli feature films in production and post-production stages. Submissions will be closed on April 30th, For Israeli short films in development, in collaboration with Gesher Multicultural Film Fund. Submissions will be closed on April 30th, JLM city pass, Jerusalem City Pass, student pass hotels, student pass events, student pass films, student pass live music, STUDENT PASS, student pass purchase 1, student pass purchase 2, student pass purchase 3, student pass purchase 4, student pass purchase 5, student pass purchase 6, JFF STUDENT PASS, JLM city pass get, Information and purchasing, student pass about, french students pass purchase 1, french students pass purchase 2, french students pass purchase 3, french students pass purchase 4, french students pass purchase 5, french students pass purchase 6, STUDENT PASS, Films et ateliers en présence de cinéastes, Films et ateliers en présence de cinéastes, french students pass music, french students pass events food, Événements spéciaux et food trucks, french students pass hotels, Hébergement et Offres Specials centre ville, accredition 2019, italian students pass 3, italian students pass 4, italian students pass 2, italian students pass 1, italian students pass 5, italian students pass 6, Films e laboratori con cineasti, Films e laboratori con cineasti, DJ e concerti dal vivo, DJ e concerti dal vivo, Alloggio e offerte speciali in citta, Alloggio e offerte speciali in citta, Eventi speciali e furgoncini di cibo, Eventi speciali e furgoncini di cibo, STUDENT PASS, italian students pass about, french students pass about, german students pass 1, german students pass 3, german students pass 4, german students pass 5, german students pass 2, german students pass 6, Filme und Workshops mit Filmemachern, Filme und Workshops mit Filmemachern, DJ- und Live-Auftritte, DJ- und Live-Auftritte, Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten und Sonderangebote in der Stadt, Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten und Sonderangebote in der Stadt, Sonderveranstaltungen und Food-Trucks, Sonderveranstaltungen und Food-Trucks, STUDENT PASS, Inhalt, Inhalt, Inclus, The Arabic Movie Returns, Informazioni, DJ et spectacles live, DJ et spectacles live, daniela pik purchase, back to the future purchase, marina purchase, red band purchase, tuna purchase, outdoorevents2019, 2019 Israeli Print Source, JFF on the go 2019 home page, 14th Jerusalem Pitch Point, Benjamin Lee, Guardian, on The Day Shall Come, ThinkFest 2019, Masterclass with Marc Marder, Italy in Focus, Meet the Filmmakers, JJFF 2019 Entry Form, Submission is now closed, Three Color: Blue and Three Color: Red will be screened without Eng. subt., corona updates, jff 2020 soon, The Day After?, back to school, Israeli Documentaries, International Documentaries, Gala, Around the world in five films, The Extreme Bundle, The Francophile, Discoveries, LGBT, Festival Hits, Masters, The Jewish Experience, Keeping Tension, Women Power, I read the book, Thrilling stories, Americana, It’s Complicated, An Alternative Universe, Politics and Actualities, jff2020 tickets eng, packages, 2020 Israeli Print Source, Stephen A. Russell, Time Out, on She Dies Tomorrow, Justin Chang, Los Angeles Times, on Vitalina Varela, industry days, 2020 JFF Winners, winners bundle, Submissions for the 2021 JFF are Open!, coming back march21, women 2021 onsite, liafest 2021, Anthropological Film Festival - November 2022, Culture on Screen, 2021 Israeli Print Source, Every evening at 20:00 New film / Different Neighbourhood / Popcorn / Under the Stars , JFF21 awards, JJFF 21 info, Aki-no: Japanese Film Festival - Special Offer, Ehsan Vaseghi, Dyveke Bjørkly Graver, Benjamin Loeb, JFF 22 reference, 2022 Israeli Print Source, 2023 submissions, JFF 2023 Winners, JFF40 - Israeli Print Source, JFF 2024 dates, Jeremy Chua, Alex C. Lo, Mélissa Malinbaum, Lin Fan, Darcy Xi Wang, Constanze Schmitt, Carlo Francisco Manatad, Ryan Somerville, Tyler Campellone, David Harari, Mike Gioulakis, Daniel Tarr, The Octopus Project, Alexandre de La Patellière, Nicolas Bolduc, Célia Lafitedupont, Pathe International, Ana Maria Ruiz Navia, Oscar Ruiz Navia, Fernando del Razo, Juan Velásquez, Ana García, Nidia Góngora, ArtHood Entertainment, Thierry de Peretti, Gal Greenspan, Fréderic Jouve, Marie Lecoq, Josée Deshaies, Lila Desiles, Siuloku O., Jenson Tai Yi, Shan Zoulong, Liao Che-i, Lin Cheng Hsun, Zhu Ying Rong, Bruce Su, Parallax Films, Alex Beaupain, Fabrizio Donvito, Benedetto Habib, Daniel Campos Pavoncelli, Marco Cohen, Fredo Valla, Benjamin Maier, Marco Biscarini, True Colours, Bastien Sirodot, Cédric Iland, Marine Bergère, Romain Daubeach, Antoine Blesson, Nicolas Descalles, Javier Ruiz-Gomez, Feurat Alani, Lino Rettinger, Daniel Guliyev, Nicole Schmeier, Kidam, Xavier Pleche, François Boudet, Jean Mallet, Amine Bouhafa, Mathilde Muyard, Amanda Phillips, Julie Goldstein, Scott Budnick, Ameet Shukla, Kerry Howley, Steve Yedlin, Pål Ulvik Rokseth, Thomas Grotmol, Trude Lirhus, Peter Raeburn, Kristen Correll, Tyler Hilto, Jaco Caraco, Amazon Studios, Guri Neby, Kristin Emblem, Michel Balagué, Amélie Legrand, Jona Levin Nicolai, Enaguas Cine, Ximena Amann, Susan Korda, Julien Graff, James Bowsher, Balthazar De Ganay, Lennert Hillage, Clint Bentley, Monique Walton, Pat Scola, Parker Laramie, Catherine Magee, Drew Vinton, Enda Walsh, Senjan Janson, Céline Sciamma, Evgenia Alexandrova, Uèle Lamore, Théo Abadie, Marcia Romano, Elio Balezeaux, Sarah Grosset, Ramiro Ruiz, Gerardo Gatica, Lauren Mann, Ivan Orlic, Juan Pablo Ramírez, Yibrán Asuad, Tomás Barreiro, Antoine Lafon, Jeanne Henry, Antoine Cormier, Albertine Lastera, Yann Malcor, Audrey Ismael, Israeli Film Print Source